Skin Food Black Sesame Hot Mask Review

Hi all,

Hope you all had a great New Year's! I bought this mask back in my first haul for around $10. The mask is brown with black specks of sesame with a gel-like texture. The mask has an oily sesame scent which is tolerable but not pleasant.

I've used the mask very sporadically since I've purchased it because I tend to forget that I have it. However, recently I've been using it more often.  I use it at night in place of my cleanser. I wet my face and apply the mask and massage it for about a minute and then jump in the shower. After I finish washing my body I wash off the mask in the shower.

Results: My face feels clean after washing off, but I don't see what the mask claims it should do. First of all, the hot mask isn't hot/warm at all as the description states. Second of all, it's suppose to deep clean and reveal smoother skin but it doesn't do that for me either. Lastly, the more I use this mask the more blemishes I've been getting. I didn't get any blemishes when I used this product sporadically but recently I've been using it around twice a week and now I have three blemishes on my cheeks. I haven't been using any new products on my face so I know its because of this mask.

Would I repurchase this product? No.
Would I finish this product? Yes, but I would use it once a month because I don't like wasting stuff.
Would I recommend this mask? No


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